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Frequently Asked Questions

There are no silly questions!

But here are a few that we get asked so often that we thought we'd put the answers on this handy little page for you :)

1. How do I work out which size to choose?

Yes, that's a good one! We recommend you take your own measurements as outlined on our Sizing chart page, this will give you a good indication of your size and also let you know how to get accurate body measurements.

We also have garment measurement charts on the bottom of each product page which lets you know the actual garment size and shape. 

2. How do I return something?

Oh it's so simple. You don't need to print anything, just have your order number handy and visit our Online returns page. Go through the process online and return your item to us making sure you include a note with your name and order number. Don't forget to tell us whether you want an exchange, refund or credit note!

3. How do I find out when new styles will be available for purchase?

Sign up to our bi-weekly newsletter (link in footer) and you'll get all the good news on latest arrivals.

4. How do I subscribe to the newsletter?

To subscribe simply enter your email address at the bottom right corner on any page of our website.

5. How long do I have to return something?

Returns and exchanges can be made up to 30 days after receipt of your goods. For more info check out our Returns & exchanges page

6. Why is chocolate so delicious?

We wish we knew the answer to this but can't give you any further info right now as there isn't any chocolate in the Lazybones HQ fridge for the 3pm sugar hit and that makes us sad ;(


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