Fair trade: from farm to factory

Fair trade factory

From factory to farm…
sustainability and fairness are key.

Fair trade is not just about "no child labour" and "minimum wage compliance".

Our fair trade factory complies with legislation regarding maximum working hours, overtime compensation and incentives.

Workers have rights as per the Freedom of Association which means they are free to join any community they like.

There is no discrimination for race, age, sex, political opinion, religion etc.

This factory has developed a progressive business model and taken a positive stance towards unions. Workers are represented by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU).

Besides the above, they also provide other benefits to the workers, such as transport to and from the job site, company sponsored meals, a health plan and funding for worker's children's education.

The majority of our Indian organic cotton is sourced from The Chetna Project, an organisation dedicated to working with small farmers to improve their livelihoods.

The Chetna project helps small and marginalised farmers make farming sustainable and profitable.

This project has grown from 234 farmers in 2004 to around 15,300 in 2012 and it keeps growing!

Chetna’s strength has been in collective action and a fair and transparent supply chain.

Positive results include stabilised socio-economic conditions for these farmers.