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Giving back

i=Change x Lazybones

Through this clever initiative we are able to give back $1 from every retail e-commerce purchase to life changing projects.

The projects our customers can choose from at checkout include:

Empower with literacy - the human right to read and write

Empower with literacyAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children continue to fall through the cracks of our education system, trapping them in a cycle of vulnerability and illiteracy.

In remote areas, up to 70% of Aboriginal adults are ‘functionally illiterate’. This is a national tragedy.

The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation is transforming lives through community-driven, ground-breaking and best practice literacy programs. Working in English and Indigenous First Languages, ALNF is committed to creating sustainable, long-term change. 

Restore the land - replant our habitat

Restore the land

Since European settlement, over 90 million hectares of land across Australia has been cleared, threatening species and the productivity of farmlands. 

Greening Australia aims to restore 330,000 hectares of native trees across Australia by 2030. Drawing on the expert input of Traditional Owners, scientists and local land managers, they will plant 500 million trees and shrubs to store carbon, create quality habitat for native wildlife, and restore degraded farmland. These 500 million trees and shrubs will absorb over 1.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year by 2030, and reduce atmospheric carbon pollution.

This is one of the world’s largest and most ambitious ecological restoration programs.

Give Shelter - give safe shelter to a person seeking asylum

Give shelter

Families who have fled violence, war and persecution are often then stripped of their basic rights in Australia, while waiting for an outcome to their legal status. People often live this - in limbo for years. During this time, more and more people, without the right to work, become destitute. Women and children are especially vulnerable during this time.

For the past 16 years, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) has supported and empowered over 3,000 refugees and people seeking asylum every year, helping provide a warm bed, food, education, employment support and much more. The ASRC gives them hope for a safer, brighter future.

Take a closer look at Lazybones i=Change page.


Humans for Abundance

Humans for Abundance is a social enterprise that connects people with the desire to give back to nature with restorers that can carry out these services for the environment, like indigenous communities in the Amazon and others in positions of socio-economic disadvantage. 


Sungai Watch

Sungai Watch is a community river clean up organisation that has a mission to protect waterways, starting in Indonesia. 

They focus on putting plastic pollution on front page news and getting the world to know about the urgency to act now.


Climate Council

In May 2019 we raised funds to donate to the Climate Council.

The Climate Council is Australia’s leading climate change communications organisation. They provide authoritative, expert advice to the public on climate change, energy solutions and international action, based on the most up-to-date science available. 


Local schools

We donate our products to local schools and other organisations we believe in to help them raise funds.


Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way. This is our way of acknowledging this and helping to raise funds for a cure.


Be Centre

A dedicated team leading the way in making Play Therapy accessible to kids in Australia – transforming countless lives along the way.




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