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Meet Georgia - yoga teacher, actor & all round beauty

Meet Georgia - yoga teacher, actor & all round beauty

Meet gorgeous Georgia.

She is a yoga teacher, actress and yes we know it sounds corny, but she's truly beautiful inside and out.

We found out a little more about her in this interview, which made us smile and gave us warm fuzzies! 


1. Where do you call home?

Currently living in Brunswick, Melbourne.

I’m a Melburnian now but am originally a country girl from Benalla. And part of my heart will always be in Sydney where I recently spent four fabulous years. I’m not really tied to any one place but I do love to nest. Home is my sanctuary so I’m big on plants, quality furniture, good lighting, and beautiful things.


2. Daily mantra?

I don’t really have a daily mantra per se! But I do find myself returning to the same reminders; stay present, enjoy periods of momentum but be patient in the quiet moments, know my boundaries and be clear with others, trust myself and my path. Stay open.


3. What was the last thing that made you smile?

Listening to happy upbeat music this morning while driving home from teaching yoga. Watching a little girl and her dad riding to school together on their bikes. Sunflowers. The sunflowers actually made me cry! I’m a sucker for nature and how pure and persevering it is. 


4. What’s your best hands down relax/chill method?

Music, yoga (in all its forms), watching Bob Ross videos on YouTube! Walking a dog. Sitting in the sun. Watering the plants. Writing in my journal. Writing lists! A cuppa! Popping on a face mask. I have a lot of daily rituals that I really try to luxuriate in to nurture myself, compose my thoughts, and keep me grounded. Life’s small pleasures are truly bountiful. And there’s nothing more satisfying than crossing things off a list!! 


5. What’s on the horizon for you in the next 12 months?

I’m an actor as well as a yoga teacher so I’ll be filling my days with rehearsals, auditions, filming, practising yoga, teaching yoga, taking acting classes, dancing! I’ve always liked to keep life pretty varied. I like to be busy but not frantic, I really need my downtime otherwise my health suffers. Being able to structure my days how I please is increasingly possible for me and I’m so fortunate for that. It’s taken a lot of work and determination to carve out a life that fulfils me and sustains me. 

But the goals this year are to travel to Greece, swim with whales on the Great Barrier Reef, run a yoga retreat, act in some good quality Australian shows and films, grow my yoga community, and give back as much of my energy to the world as I can.


6. Anything else you’d like to share with us and the Lazybones peeps?

Literally stop and smell the roses! It works 😉


Follow Georgia on insta @georgiakellyyoga


Georgia wears Stevie slip