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Meet Abigail - a ray of sunshine

Meet Abigail - a ray of sunshine

Abigail came with such a sunny vibe to our photo shoot... and she looked amazing in our latest Spring Summer range too.

Read on to find out more about how she maintains such a beautiful healthy glow at 47 years young. 

Abigail wears Doris top in Shady green  

1. You have such amazing skin!
What is your top tip for ladies with "mature" skin? 

Thank you for such kind words LB!

Topically, one of my favourite treatments that I enjoy for my skin at home actually gives me powerful results. It almost feels like I’ve just received a good facial at a beauty salon. It’s so easy too!

I love to employ a layering technique.

To DIY at home take a cold pressed organic oil such as pomegranate, rose hip, black seed oil, jojoba, even pure raw coconut or olive oil at times and smooth it over plump steamed or freshly showered skin.

Then I apply fresh aloe gel, I obtain it from my organic aloes in the garden and apply them directly, alternating back to the oil again, then the aloe and etc.

I do this up to three times, it only takes 5 minutes but the results!

It’s a truly amazing ritual that replenishes, hydrates and uplifts the complexion.

Of course always the true secret for our personal most beautiful skin ever at any stage of life, I believe, is to consistently nurture ourselves from the inside with as much whole, vibrant, organic produce as we can, being sure to include lots of hydration, positive thoughts, and plenty of rest.

Another thing, albeit controversial that I’ve personally received benefit from for over 3 decades now is to enjoy sunshine as often as possible.

Build up tolerance levels, and never allow the skin to burn.

Getting enough vitamin D is ultra powerful for maintaining collagen renewal.

I’ve written an extensive article about sunlight for The Chalkboard Mag, which may be interesting to some. 

Abigail wears Doris top in Ink 

2. Why switch to natural and organic?

I opted to switch to an even stricter organic lifestyle when I was in my twenties and various health problems surfaced.

I discovered the negative effect of chemicals upon my health, and also more powerfully, the positive healing effects of aligning more closely with nature, it was a miraculous transformation for me and my life.

I also had three little ones and observed how much happier and healthier their little dispositions were when nourished and surrounded by the natural world.

After all we are nature too!

Organic is the way of the future. 

Fara top in Dusty Rose  

3. What is your all time favourite natural product?

I’ve never been a big products girl to be honest!

Less is far more in my opinion on this front, but when selecting I love anything 100% naturally derived, cold pressed and organic.

Most of us know how much healthier it is to add cold pressed oils after cooking our meals.

So why put unnaturally processed oils, which are in most beauty products directly onto our skin?  

Each product that’s in sync with my ethos wins my vote for a healthier Earth and humanity, therefore my dollar!  

Abigail wears Becky dress in Ink 

3. Tell us a bit about your inspiration behind your book Model Chocolate.

Model Chocolate was a labour of love I created when raw cacao first became available in Australia.

Before this, it was either Cadbury (sugary, dairy based) chocolate or none at all for health conscious people!

Some of us enjoyed carob as an alternative, although it really is a flavour of it's own.

I had just began modelling and saw a real niche, as very few models ate chocolate. So I made everything I was making with carob, only switched it to raw cacao.

My vision was that it would help change the way mainstream people viewed unprocessed natural sweets, plus all those poor deprived models could enjoy it too knowing it was good for them and would increase their inner outer glow too!

Almost everyone loves chocolate.

So I simply added models, fashion, beauty, and voila! Model Chocolate - the chocolate models eat - is naturally wonderful for your skin, metabolism and mood as it is based on real food ingredients that are rich in healthy fats, and naturally high in beautifying vitamins and minerals.

Abigail wears Becky dress in Shady Green 

4. What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Haha I still never know what to answer to this question! 

Abigail wears Fara top in Beluga

5. What is your favourite place to be to find a sense of peace?

Nature. My garden. The ocean.

In the kitchen, preparing delicious nutritious food for my family.

Baking sourdough bread can definitely bring me a sense of peace, beekeeping.

Then, to be all alone, it's is rare for me, and my sense of intuition, strength and creativity thrives on it.

Love the quote by Marilyn Monroe  "I restore myself when I am alone."

Abigail wears Fara top in Tourmaline

6. You are our new role model for "Boycott Botox" tell us more! 

Oh blush!

Thank-you so much, I really appreciate there being more openness around this conversation.

It’s a very personal journey, I never judge another, I love people who opt to get botox, they are so special and beautiful, and there can be a lot going on beneath the surface! Sending love to all at this time.

Choosing the way we live or age with or without interventions is a very modern phenomena, one I personally feel that falls very short in many ways.

People are so uniquely interesting in their uniqueness.

There is a really strong movement towards the celebration of diversity and self acceptance in our time which I think is truly amazing!

I must add though, from experience, that Mother Nature has some very empowering gifts for those who wish to tap into them, as I have done, and follow a path less travelled back to a place of deeper resonance with Her.

I can’t wait to share more on these topics in years to come! Feel free to enjoy #AbisBeautyBible via Instagram for more on my all natural, oh-so-simple beauty tips!

Remember to begin gently, and always listen to your own skin type, your body, and carefully research new ideas no matter how ‘healthy' they may be!

I know that having done a lot of this, I’m more empowered now at almost 47 than I have been ever in my life.

I’ve experienced the healing, enhancing, restorative power of a natural lifestyle long enough to have full faith in the same for the years to come.

I only wish this confidence for anyone reading this interview now.

With positive choices great and small, we can change ourselves, and the world. 


Find Abigail on insta @abigailoneill 

and big thanks to @silverfoxmgmt for introducing us to Abigail

Photography by Camila @camilatassinophotography

Abigail wears Becky dress in Ink

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